
Welcome to the International Junk Music Chain blog. This blog is designed to allow those involved with the International Junk Music Chain to share their experiences and communicate with each other and the wider world about this exciting project.

Saturday 9 April 2011

Judy Westwater visits Chuckery

Judy Westwater, the patron of the Pegasus Children's Trust, visited Chuckery Primary School to watch Junk Music Performances by the children on Thursday 7th April 2011.  Judy had a fantastic time watching the performances and said, 'I have never seen so many children in one school all playing together.  The children are so talented.'

Following the performances, which came about following a discussion with Judy about Street Music performed by the children which the Pegasus Chidlren's Trust supports in South Africa, Judy spoke about her work.  Captivated children heard how Judy, who herself had been a Street Child in South Africa, established the Pegasus Children's Trust in order to help others in a similar position.  Establishing shelters, and places of safety for the children, Judy's work also extends to 'A Second Chance' project which provides opportunities for Street Children to take part in musical and artistic activities to boost their skills and self confidence.

'When a child faces abuse and abandonment early in their life, they have no sense of self.  For a street child to see that even rubbish on the street can be turned into something useful and productive is a great metaphor for giving hope to children who have no sense of themselves.', Judy told pupils at the school.  Pupils were deeply moved by Judy's presentation and decided to send messages to children on the streets in South Africa.  Messages sent conveyed concern, friendship and messages of empathy and support.  The children also raised £500 for Judy's charity which will all be used to help the children in South Africa.

The school hopes the link will continue long into the future.  

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